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How to keep cool in the office

Although guidance today was to work from home if you can, for many of us the office is the only place that has the necessary comfort cooling in place for the extreme heat we are experiencing at the moment.

“I’m cold” are not words I was expecting to say on the hottest day on record!

Is this the case for you or have your staff chosen to work from home because they are not comfortable in the office?

Has it made you realise that perhaps you need an upgrade to your space?

As well as comfort cooling, we are experts in resimercial, bringing the comforts of home to the office, creating a more pleasant and relaxing environment, which has been seen to improve employee retention and reduce absence through improved wellbeing.

If this is reminiscent of your office get in touch and we can certainly help to get your staff back together.

In the meantime, though, whilst you wait for your next upgrade, check out our ‘top tips’ for keeping cool in the office

Your best work is yet to come.

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