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A Great Office Fit Out Design Will Improve Employee Experience

While remote work remains a popular option, many businesses in the UK are now recognising that a well-thought-out office fit outdesign can significantly increase the employee experience, making the office a place where people want to be. It’s no longer just about having a desk and chair; it’s about creating an environment that supports productivity, collaboration, and well-being.

Probably the greatest error that companies make concerning an office fit out design, is basing that design on the assumption that they know what their employees want. The pandemic has radically shifted work habits and expectations, and now many staff seek a mix of spaces for collaboration and spaces for deeper work. One size does not fit all now.

Gauging the demands of your flexible and increasingly diverse workforce through surveys and direct feedback is an essential tool going forward. Some questions you can consider asking are:

  • Do your staff members miss human contact and more social spaces?
  • Do they need more quiet zones to focus without interruptions?
  • In terms of productivity and workflow, what in the office currently works and doesn’t work?

Your office fit out design can bring these diverse needs into focus and allow you to address them in a meaningful way.

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Perhaps the greatest challenge for workspace design is the balance between spaces that promote collaboration and spaces that facilitate focused work. Open-plan offices have been popular in recent decades as a means of fostering collaboration but are often distracting.

A good office fit out can blend communal areas with private spaces. It can be formed by partitions that can be moved to create meeting areas when needed, or by identifying carefully designed quiet zones where noise reduction is enabled. If you want your employees to know that you are giving them choices, then you are showing them that you have confidence in them to decide what type of environment best suits their work needs. Whether they wish to brainstorm among their colleagues or concentrate and work on a project alone.

Empowering your team with choices about work settings will go a long way – and that’s not just about offering different specialist spaces. It is about helping your team use whatever spaces you give them to work in a manner that is most effective for them. A workstation with adjustable elements, standing desks, specialised lounge and collaboration areas, and even quiet pods are all important elements of a well-designed office fit out.

For example, some employees might want to come into the office early and use a quiet corner to catch up on emails before moving to a meeting room to have breakfast with their teams. Other employees might be most productive in a buzzing social environment where they can easily turn to colleagues for instant advice. By offering a variety of choices like this, you create a workplace that’s more vibrant and flexible, one that’s more suited to different working styles and preferences. That in turn has a positive impact on employee experience.


Modern office interior design needs to take technology into consideration because, as many companies embrace hybrid working, the growing need for technology can be seen in many office spaces. This involves installing meeting rooms with the latest video conferencing tools. Fast installation of reliable Wi-Fi that is needed for executives to travel across the world for meetings can make a difference. There is also a growing need for flexible workstations that can easily be relocated.

Office fit out tech is not just gadgets and software but about the fit out being designed to the way that people work today. This may mean increased power points, USB ports, or even smart boards for frequent and interactive meetings, or it may mean design areas where team members in different geographies can collaborate virtually. A tech-savvy office fit out design can make the difference between an office having an old look, or one that has a modern feel.

Cambrionix, Spacio – Cambridge, Cambridgeshire – 24/02/2020 – Photo by: Richard Blaxall / Photerior

Office fit out design is particularly focused on employee well-being, and rightly so. A healthy, comfortable and sustainable office design has several benefits on top of attracting the best and brightest, it also elevates retention and boosts productivity. Many factors go into achieving employee comfort and health, from access to natural light to ergonomic furniture design to air quality.

We’re also seeing a trend towards office design that promotes sustainability. This translates to using eco-friendly materials, adding technology to reduce energy consumption and designing for lower waste. By reducing your company’s footprint, you can help the environment while also appealing to employees who prioritise Corporate Social Responsibility, especially if you’re transparent about it. A green office fit out design sends a deliberate signal that your company cares about people and the planet.

Although the advantages of achieving a successful office fit out design are obvious; by avoiding some of the common mistakes, you are much more likely to get it right. A disastrous approach would be trying to create an aesthetically appealing office at the expense of its functionality. A beautiful environment is one thing but being able to genuinely carry out your day-to-day work efficiently is more important.

Another simple method that frequently goes wrong is not inviting staff to contribute their ideas and opinions. If your design process lacks input from staff, you’re likely to end up with a space that doesn’t cater to them, and it might become frustrating and demoralising to use. By getting your team involved from the start, you’ll have a much better chance of creating a customised space that they will love.

Finally, take flexibility into consideration. If your office fit out is not flexible, it will become dated once your business needs change – so don’t forget to look for modular furniture, moveable walls, and a flexible layout.

A great office fit out design is about more than just aesthetics; it’s about creating a space that enhances the employee experience, boosts productivity, and supports well-being. By understanding what your employees want, balancing collaborative and focused spaces, incorporating modern technology, and prioritising sustainability, you can transform your office into a place where people genuinely want to work.

The office still remains a powerful tool for attracting and retaining top talent. With the right office fit out design, you can ensure that your workspace not only meets the needs of today’s workforce but also evolves with the changing demands of the future.

To speak to a professional on our team about your office fit out design, get in touch with us today.


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